interface EthereumGasEtherscanResponse {
    message: string;
    result: {
        FastGasPrice: string;
        LastBlock: string;
        ProposeGasPrice: string;
        SafeGasPrice: string;
        gasUsedRatio: string;
        suggestBaseFee: string;
    status: string;
    timestamp: number;


message: string
result: {
    FastGasPrice: string;
    LastBlock: string;
    ProposeGasPrice: string;
    SafeGasPrice: string;
    gasUsedRatio: string;
    suggestBaseFee: string;

Type declaration

  • FastGasPrice: string

    Priority Fee

  • LastBlock: string

    Number of last block

  • ProposeGasPrice: string

    Priority Fee

  • SafeGasPrice: string

    Priority Fee

  • gasUsedRatio: string

    Estimate of how busy the network is

  • suggestBaseFee: string

    The baseFee of the next pending block

status: string
timestamp: number

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