
  • IndexingDiviner
    • ImageThumbnailDiviner


  • Parameters

    • privateConstructorKey: string
    • params: BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
    • account: AccountInstance

    Returns ImageThumbnailDiviner


_account: undefined | AccountInstance
_baseModuleQueryAccountPaths: Record<"network.xyo.query.module.discover" | "network.xyo.query.module.address" | "network.xyo.query.module.subscribe" | "network.xyo.query.module.describe" | "network.xyo.query.module.manifest", string>
_queryAccounts: Record<"network.xyo.query.module.discover" | "network.xyo.query.module.address" | "network.xyo.query.module.subscribe" | "network.xyo.query.module.describe" | "network.xyo.query.module.manifest", undefined | AccountInstance>
_startPromise: undefined | Promisable<boolean>
_started: undefined | Promisable<boolean>
backgroundDivine: (() => Promise<void>)

Works via batched iteration of the source archivist to populate the index.

Type declaration

    • (): Promise<void>
    • Works via batched iteration of the source archivist to populate the index.

      Returns Promise<void>

      A promise that resolves when the background process is complete


A promise that resolves when the background process is complete

downResolver: Omit<CompositeModuleResolver, "resolve">
eventData: DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
    account?: AccountInstance | "random";
    config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
        archivist?: string;
        labels?: Labels;
        name?: string;
        paging?: Record<string, {
            size?: number;
        retry?: RetryConfig;
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
        security?: {
            allowAnonymous?: boolean;
            allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
            disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
        sign?: boolean;
        storeQueries?: boolean;
        timestamp?: boolean;
    } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
        archivist?: string;
        labels?: Labels;
        name?: string;
        paging?: Record<string, {
            size?: number;
        retry?: RetryConfig;
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
        security?: {
            allowAnonymous?: boolean;
            allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
            disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
        sign?: boolean;
        storeQueries?: boolean;
        timestamp?: boolean;
    } & {
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
    } & {
        indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
        indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
        payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
        pollFrequency?: number;
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
        stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
    }, "schema"> & {
        schema: string;
    ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
}, {
    schema: string;
} & object, {
    schema: string;
} & object>, {
    schema: string;
} & object, {
    schema: string;
} & object>
moduleConfigQueryValidator: Queryable
params: BaseParamsFields & {
    account?: AccountInstance | "random";
    config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
        archivist?: string;
        labels?: Labels;
        name?: string;
        paging?: Record<string, {
            size?: number;
        retry?: RetryConfig;
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
        security?: {
            allowAnonymous?: boolean;
            allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
            disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
        sign?: boolean;
        storeQueries?: boolean;
        timestamp?: boolean;
    } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
        archivist?: string;
        labels?: Labels;
        name?: string;
        paging?: Record<string, {
            size?: number;
        retry?: RetryConfig;
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
        security?: {
            allowAnonymous?: boolean;
            allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
            disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
        sign?: boolean;
        storeQueries?: boolean;
        timestamp?: boolean;
    } & {
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
    } & {
        indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
        indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
        payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
        pollFrequency?: number;
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
        stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
    }, "schema"> & {
        schema: string;
    ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optional account?: AccountInstance | "random"
  • config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
        archivist?: string;
        labels?: Labels;
        name?: string;
        paging?: Record<string, {
            size?: number;
        retry?: RetryConfig;
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
        security?: {
            allowAnonymous?: boolean;
            allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
            disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
        sign?: boolean;
        storeQueries?: boolean;
        timestamp?: boolean;
    } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
        archivist?: string;
        labels?: Labels;
        name?: string;
        paging?: Record<string, {
            size?: number;
        retry?: RetryConfig;
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
        security?: {
            allowAnonymous?: boolean;
            allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
            disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
        sign?: boolean;
        storeQueries?: boolean;
        timestamp?: boolean;
    } & {
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
    } & {
        indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
        indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
        payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
        pollFrequency?: number;
        schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
        stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
    }, "schema"> & {
        schema: string;
  • Optional ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean
supportedQueryValidator: Queryable
upResolver: Omit<CompositeModuleResolver, "resolve>">
allowRandomAccount: false = false
configSchemas: string[]
defaultLogger?: Logger
enableLazyLoad: boolean
privateConstructorKey: string
targetSchema: string


  • get _queryAccountPaths(): Record<"network.xyo.query.diviner.divine", string>
  • Returns Record<"network.xyo.query.diviner.divine", string>

  • get account(): AccountInstance
  • Returns AccountInstance

  • get address(): string
  • Returns string

  • get allowAnonymous(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get config(): TParams["config"]
  • Returns TParams["config"]

  • get ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get id(): string
  • Returns string

  • get logger(): undefined | Logger
  • Returns undefined | Logger

  • get payloadDivinerLimit(): number
  • Returns number

  • get pollFrequency(): number
  • Returns number

  • get queries(): string[]
  • Returns string[]

  • get queryAccountPaths(): Readonly<Record<string, undefined | string>>
  • Returns Readonly<Record<string, undefined | string>>

  • get queryAccounts(): Readonly<Record<string, undefined | AccountInstance>>
  • Returns Readonly<Record<string, undefined | AccountInstance>>

  • get timestamp(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get configSchema(): string
  • Returns string


  • Parameters

    • funcName: string

    Returns any

  • Parameters

    • functionName: string

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • hashes: string[]
    • schema: string[]
    • Optional account: AccountInstance

    Returns PromiseEx<unknown, AccountInstance>

  • Parameters

    • hashes: string[]
    • schema: string[]
    • Optional account: AccountInstance

    Returns Promise<SchemaFields & object & BoundWitnessFields & {
        schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends SchemaFields & object & QueryFields & {
          schema: string;


    • query: T
    • Optional payloads: ({
          schema: string;
      } & object)[]
    • Optional account: AccountInstance

    Returns PromiseEx<[SchemaFields & object & Omit<BoundWitnessFields & {
        query: string;
        resultSet?: string;
        schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
    }, "schema"> & {
        schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
    }, ({
        schema: string;
    } & object)[], ({
        schema: string;
    } & object)[]], AccountInstance>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends SchemaFields & object & QueryFields & {
          schema: string;


    • query: T
    • Optional payloads: ({
          schema: string;
      } & object)[]
    • Optional account: AccountInstance

    Returns Promise<[SchemaFields & object & Omit<BoundWitnessFields & {
        query: string;
        resultSet?: string;
        schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
    }, "schema"> & {
        schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
    }, ({
        schema: string;
    } & object)[], ({
        schema: string;
    } & object)[]]>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends SchemaFields & object & QueryFields & {
          schema: string;


    • query: WithMeta<T>
    • payloads: ({
          schema: string;
      } & object)[]
    • Optional additionalWitnesses: AccountInstance[]
    • Optional errors: (SchemaFields & object & {
          message?: string;
          name?: string;
          query?: string;
          schema: "network.xyo.error.module";
          sources?: string[];

    Returns Promise<ModuleQueryResult>

  • Type Parameters

    • R


    • closure: (() => Promise<R>)
        • (): Promise<R>
        • Returns Promise<R>

    Returns Promise<R>

  • Parameters

    • eventNames: (keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & { account?: AccountInstance | "random" | undefined; config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{ readonly archivist?: string | undefined; ... 8 more ...; readonly timestamp?: boolean | undefined; } & ... 5 more ... & { ...; }, "schema"> & { ...; }; ephemeralQue...) | (keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & { account?: AccountInstance | "random" | undefined; config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{ readonly archivist?: string | undefined; ... 8 more ...; readonly timestamp?: boolean | undefined; } & ... 5 more ... & { ...; }, "schema"> & { ...; }; ephemeralQue...)[]

    Returns void

  • Commit the internal state of the Diviner process. This is similar to a transaction completion in a database and should only be called when results have been successfully persisted to the appropriate external stores.


    • nextState: ModuleState<IndexingDivinerState>

      The state to commit

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns Promise<SchemaFields & object & ModuleDescription & {
        schema: "network.xyo.module.description";

  • Returns Promise<SchemaFields & object & ModuleDescription & {
        schema: "network.xyo.module.description";

  • Returns Promise<({
        schema: string;
    } & object)[]>

  • Parameters

    • Optional _maxDepth: number

    Returns Promise<({
        schema: string;
    } & object)[]>

  • Parameters

    • Optional payloads: ({
          schema: string;
      } & object)[]
    • Optional retryConfigIn: RetryConfigWithComplete<unknown>

    Returns Promise<({
        schema: string;
    } & object)[]>


    divine The main entry point for a diviner. Do not override this function. Implement/override divineHandler for custom functionality

  • Parameters

    • Optional payloads: ({
          schema: string;
      } & object)[]

    Returns Promise<({
        schema: string;
    } & object)[]>

  • Type Parameters

    • TEventName extends keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object> = keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>

    • TEventArgs extends EventArgs = DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>[TEventName]


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters

    • TEventName extends keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object> = keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>

    • TEventArgs extends EventArgs = DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>[TEventName]


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns Promise<undefined | ArchivistInstance<BaseParamsFields & {
        account?: AccountInstance | "random";
        config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.archivist.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.archivist.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & {
            parents?: ArchivistParents;
            requireAllParents?: boolean;
            schema: "network.xyo.archivist.config";
            storeParentReads?: boolean;
        }, "schema"> & {
            schema: string;
        ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
    }, ArchivistModuleEventData>>

  • Retrieves the archivist for the specified store


    • store: ConfigStore

      The store to retrieve the archivist for

    Returns Promise<ArchivistWrapper<ArchivistModule<BaseParamsFields & {
        account?: AccountInstance | "random";
        config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.archivist.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.archivist.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & {
            parents?: ArchivistParents;
            requireAllParents?: boolean;
            schema: "network.xyo.archivist.config";
            storeParentReads?: boolean;
        }, "schema"> & {
            schema: string;
        ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
    }, ArchivistModuleEventData>>>

    The archivist for the specified store

  • Retrieves the BoundWitness Diviner for the specified store


    • store: ConfigStore

      The store to retrieve the BoundWitness Diviner for

    Returns Promise<DivinerWrapper<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
        account?: AccountInstance | "random";
        config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.diviner.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.diviner.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & {
            schema: "network.xyo.diviner.config";
        }, "schema"> & {
            schema: string;
        ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
    }, {
        schema: string;
    } & object, {
        schema: string;
    } & object>>>

    The BoundWitness Diviner for the specified store

  • Gets the Diviner for the supplied Indexing Diviner stage


    • transform: IndexingDivinerStage

      The Indexing Diviner stage

    Returns Promise<DivinerInstance<BaseParamsFields & {
        account?: AccountInstance | "random";
        config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.diviner.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.diviner.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & {
            schema: "network.xyo.diviner.config";
        }, "schema"> & {
            schema: string;
        ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
    }, {
        schema: string;
    } & object, {
        schema: string;
    } & object>>

    The diviner corresponding to the Indexing Diviner stage

  • Retrieves the Payload Diviner for the specified store


    • store: ConfigStore

      The store to retrieve the Payload Diviner for

    Returns Promise<DivinerWrapper<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
        account?: AccountInstance | "random";
        config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.diviner.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.diviner.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & {
            schema: "network.xyo.diviner.config";
        }, "schema"> & {
            schema: string;
        ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
    }, {
        schema: string;
    } & object, {
        schema: string;
    } & object>>>

    The Payload Diviner for the specified store

  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • eventNames: (keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & { account?: AccountInstance | "random" | undefined; config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{ readonly archivist?: string | undefined; ... 8 more ...; readonly timestamp?: boolean | undefined; } & ... 5 more ... & { ...; }, "schema"> & { ...; }; ephemeralQue...) | (keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & { account?: AccountInstance | "random" | undefined; config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{ readonly archivist?: string | undefined; ... 8 more ...; readonly timestamp?: boolean | undefined; } & ... 5 more ... & { ...; }, "schema"> & { ...; }; ephemeralQue...)[]

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • Optional maxDepth: number
    • Optional ignoreAddresses: string[]

    Returns Promise<SchemaFields & object & ModuleManifest & {
        schema: "network.xyo.module.manifest";
    } | SchemaFields & object & ModuleManifest & {
        schema: "network.xyo.node.manifest";

  • Parameters

    • Optional _depth: number
    • Optional _ignoreAddresses: string[]

    Returns Promisable<SchemaFields & object & ModuleManifest & {
        schema: "network.xyo.module.manifest";
    } | SchemaFields & object & ModuleManifest & {
        schema: "network.xyo.node.manifest";

  • Returns Promise<(SchemaFields & object & {
        address: string;
        previousHash?: string;
        schema: string;

  • Returns Promisable<(SchemaFields & object & {
        address: string;
        previousHash?: string;
        schema: string;

  • Type Parameters

    • TEventName extends keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>


    • eventNames: TEventName | TEventName[]
    • listener: EventListener<DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>[TEventName]>

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • listener: EventAnyListener

    Returns void

  • Type Parameters

    • TEventName extends keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>


    • eventNames: TEventName | TEventName[]
    • listener: EventListener<DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>[TEventName]>

    Returns (() => void)

      • (): void
      • Returns void

  • Parameters

    • listener: EventAnyListener

    Returns (() => void)

      • (): void
      • Returns void

  • Type Parameters

    • TEventName extends keyof DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>


    • eventName: TEventName
    • listener: EventListener<DivinerModuleEventData<DivinerModule<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & {
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
          } & {
              indexStore?: SearchableStorage;
              indexingDivinerStages?: IndexingDivinerStageConfig;
              payloadDivinerLimit?: number;
              pollFrequency?: number;
              schema: "network.xyo.diviner.indexing.config";
              stateStore?: SearchableStorage;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>, {
          schema: string;
      } & object, {
          schema: string;
      } & object>[TEventName]>

    Returns (() => void)

      • (): void
      • Returns void

  • Returns Promisable<undefined | string>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends SchemaFields & object & Omit<BoundWitnessFields & {
          query: string;
          resultSet?: string;
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
      }, "schema"> & {
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
      } = SchemaFields & object & Omit<BoundWitnessFields & {
          query: string;
          resultSet?: string;
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
      }, "schema"> & {
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";

    • TConfig extends SchemaFields & object & {
          archivist?: string;
          labels?: Labels;
          name?: string;
          paging?: Record<string, {
              size?: number;
          retry?: RetryConfig;
          schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
          security?: {
              allowAnonymous?: boolean;
              allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
              disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
          sign?: boolean;
          storeQueries?: boolean;
          timestamp?: boolean;
      } & ArchivingModuleConfig = SchemaFields & object & {
          archivist?: string;
          labels?: Labels;
          name?: string;
          paging?: Record<string, {
              size?: number;
          retry?: RetryConfig;
          schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
          security?: {
              allowAnonymous?: boolean;
              allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
              disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
          sign?: boolean;
          storeQueries?: boolean;
          timestamp?: boolean;
      } & ArchivingModuleConfig


    • query: T
    • Optional payloads: ({
          schema: string;
      } & object)[]
    • Optional queryConfig: TConfig

    Returns Promise<ModuleQueryResult>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends SchemaFields & object & Omit<BoundWitnessFields & {
          query: string;
          resultSet?: string;
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
      }, "schema"> & {
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
      } = SchemaFields & object & Omit<BoundWitnessFields & {
          query: string;
          resultSet?: string;
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
      }, "schema"> & {
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";

    • TConfig extends SchemaFields & object & {
          archivist?: string;
          labels?: Labels;
          name?: string;
          paging?: Record<string, {
              size?: number;
          retry?: RetryConfig;
          schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
          security?: {
              allowAnonymous?: boolean;
              allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
              disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
          sign?: boolean;
          storeQueries?: boolean;
          timestamp?: boolean;
      } & ArchivingModuleConfig = SchemaFields & object & {
          archivist?: string;
          labels?: Labels;
          name?: string;
          paging?: Record<string, {
              size?: number;
          retry?: RetryConfig;
          schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
          security?: {
              allowAnonymous?: boolean;
              allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
              disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
          sign?: boolean;
          storeQueries?: boolean;
          timestamp?: boolean;
      } & ArchivingModuleConfig


    • query: T
    • Optional payloads: ({
          schema: string;
      } & object)[]
    • Optional queryConfig: TConfig

    Returns Promise<ModuleQueryHandlerResult>


    queryHandler Calls divine for a divine query. Override to support additional queries.

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends SchemaFields & object & Omit<BoundWitnessFields & {
          query: string;
          resultSet?: string;
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
      }, "schema"> & {
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
      } = SchemaFields & object & Omit<BoundWitnessFields & {
          query: string;
          resultSet?: string;
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";
      }, "schema"> & {
          schema: "network.xyo.boundwitness";

    • TConfig extends SchemaFields & object & {
          archivist?: string;
          labels?: Labels;
          name?: string;
          paging?: Record<string, {
              size?: number;
          retry?: RetryConfig;
          schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
          security?: {
              allowAnonymous?: boolean;
              allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
              disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
          sign?: boolean;
          storeQueries?: boolean;
          timestamp?: boolean;
      } & ArchivingModuleConfig = SchemaFields & object & {
          archivist?: string;
          labels?: Labels;
          name?: string;
          paging?: Record<string, {
              size?: number;
          retry?: RetryConfig;
          schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
          security?: {
              allowAnonymous?: boolean;
              allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
              disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
          sign?: boolean;
          storeQueries?: boolean;
          timestamp?: boolean;
      } & ArchivingModuleConfig


    • query: T
    • Optional payloads: ({
          schema: string;
      } & object)[]
    • Optional queryConfig: TConfig

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends ModuleInstance<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, ModuleEventData<object>> = ModuleInstance<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, ModuleEventData<object>>


    • Optional filter: ModuleFilter
    • Optional options: ModuleFilterOptions<T>

    Returns Promise<T[]>

  • Type Parameters

    • T extends ModuleInstance<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, ModuleEventData<object>> = ModuleInstance<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, ModuleEventData<object>>


    • nameOrAddress: string
    • Optional options: ModuleFilterOptions<T>

    Returns Promise<undefined | T>

  • Returns Promise<ArchivistInstance<BaseParamsFields & {
        account?: AccountInstance | "random";
        config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.archivist.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
            archivist?: string;
            labels?: Labels;
            name?: string;
            paging?: Record<string, {
                size?: number;
            retry?: RetryConfig;
            schema: "network.xyo.archivist.config";
            security?: {
                allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
            sign?: boolean;
            storeQueries?: boolean;
            timestamp?: boolean;
        } & {
            parents?: ArchivistParents;
            requireAllParents?: boolean;
            schema: "network.xyo.archivist.config";
            storeParentReads?: boolean;
        }, "schema"> & {
            schema: string;
        ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
    }, ArchivistModuleEventData>[]>

  • Retrieves the last state of the Diviner process. Used to recover state after preemptions, reboots, etc.

    Returns Promise<undefined | ModuleState<IndexingDivinerState>>

  • Parameters

    • Optional _timeout: number

    Returns Promisable<boolean>

  • Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • Optional notStartedAction: "error" | "throw" | "warn" | "log" | "none"
    • Optional tryStart: boolean

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • Optional _timeout: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • Optional _timeout: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • payloads: ({
          schema: string;
      } & object)[]

    Returns Promise<({
        schema: string;
    } & object)[]>

  • Parameters

    • Optional _queryAccount: AccountInstance

    Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optional config: unknown
    • Optional parents: string[]

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • funcName: string

    Returns any

  • Parameters

    • functionName: string

    Returns void

  • Type Parameters

    • TModule extends ModuleInstance<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, ModuleEventData<object>>


    • this: CreatableModule<TModule>
    • Optional params: Omit<TModule["params"], "config"> & {
          config?: TModule["params"]["config"];

    Returns Promise<TModule>

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          accountPath?: string;
          wallet?: WalletInstance;
      • Optional account?: AccountInstance | "random"
      • Optional accountPath?: string
      • Optional wallet?: WalletInstance

    Returns Promise<AccountInstance>

  • Type Parameters

    • TModule extends ModuleInstance<BaseParamsFields & {
          account?: AccountInstance | "random";
          config: SchemaFields & object & Omit<{
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          } & ArchivingModuleConfig & SchemaFields & object & {
              archivist?: string;
              labels?: Labels;
              name?: string;
              paging?: Record<string, {
                  size?: number;
              retry?: RetryConfig;
              schema: "network.xyo.module.config";
              security?: {
                  allowAnonymous?: boolean;
                  allowed?: Record<string, (string | CosigningAddressSet)[]>;
                  disallowed?: Record<string, string[]>;
              sign?: boolean;
              storeQueries?: boolean;
              timestamp?: boolean;
          }, "schema"> & {
              schema: string;
          ephemeralQueryAccountEnabled?: boolean;
      }, ModuleEventData<object>>


    • this: CreatableModule<TModule>
    • Optional params: Omit<TModule["params"], "config"> & {
          config?: TModule["params"]["config"];

    Returns CreatableModuleFactory<TModule>

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