interface EqualityComparisonOperators {
    "!=": string;
    "<": string;
    "<=": string;
    "=": string;
    ">": string;
    ">=": string;


!= < <= = > >=


"!=": string

'Not Equal To' comparison operator. Compares the field with the specified string value, selecting records where the field value does not match the provided string. Example: field != 'value'

"<": string

'Less Than' comparison operator. Compares the field with the specified string value, selecting records where the field value is lexicographically less than the provided string. Example: field < 'value'

"<=": string

'Less Than or Equal To' comparison operator. Compares the field with the specified string value, selecting records where the field value is lexicographically less than or equal to the provided string. Example: field <= 'value'

"=": string

'Equal To' comparison operator. Compares the field with the specified string value, selecting records where the field value matches the provided string exactly. Example: field = 'value'

">": string

'Greater Than' comparison operator. Compares the field with the specified string value, selecting records where the field value is lexicographically greater than the provided string. Example: field > 'value'

">=": string

'Greater Than or Equal To' comparison operator. Compares the field with the specified string value, selecting records where the field value is lexicographically greater than or equal to the provided string. Example: field >= 'value'