interface AsyncQueryBusHostConfig {
    idlePollFrequency?: number;
    idleThreshold?: number;
    intersect?: AsyncQueryBusIntersectConfig;
    listeningModules?: Lowercase<string>[];
    perAddressBatchQueryLimit?: number;
    pollFrequency?: number;
    stateStore?: SearchableStorage;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


idlePollFrequency?: number

The frequency at which the host should poll for new queries when no new queries have been received for a while

idleThreshold?: number

The threshold at which the host should consider itself idle and switch to the idle poll frequency

listeningModules?: Lowercase<string>[]

Modules that should be exposed via this host

perAddressBatchQueryLimit?: number

How many queries to process at once when retrieving queries for an address

pollFrequency?: number

How often to poll for new queries/responses

stateStore?: SearchableStorage

Where the archivist should persist its internal state